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Ciao! Merhaba! Hola! Jambo! Namaste! Ni Hao! Salam! Whichever language you say it in, hello and welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. Here’s the thing: I love working with internationally-minded clients and students.

Years ago, my dream was to go into international development, particularly in the Middle East. I completed my MA in Diplomatic Studies at the Diplomatic Academy of London. I started my career working on international education projects in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and Vietnam. I visited loads of schools and universities and met tons of students and young professionals who shared their dreams and ambitions with me. I woke up every morning feeling inspired and excited.

It was a natural step from helping schools and governments create better educational opportunities to helping clients advance their own personal career goals and education, particularly through the MBA. Now, at Career Protocol, I get to feed my love of human capacity development by helping kick arse clients like you, who will transform their countries and our world, achieve their educational dreams and professional goals.

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